(Vietnamese below)
These days in Buon Ma Thuot city, a peaceful small place of the sunny and windy Central Highlands is becoming more vibrant and bustling by a big national festival, it is Coffee Festival. This event held every two years since 2005 is organized to promulgate Vietnam coffee in general and coffee in Dak Lak in particular. The seventh annual Buon Ma Thuot coffee festival will be held on March 9 ā 16, 2019 in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak. The event will feature a wide range of activities related to coffee and coffee culture.
The festival will include an opening ceremony, a closing ceremony, the 2019 Dak Lak investment promotion conference, an exhibition on coffee, a seminar on the development of Vietnamese specialty coffee, an exhibition on the worldās coffee history, a street festival, a contest for farmers, a Vietnamese specialty coffee quality competition, free coffee tasting, a Buon Don elephant festival, and an international paragliding contest. In addition, visitors taking part in the coffee festival have a chance to enjoy some free foods, go shopping at night market, walk along pedestrian streets, and other cultural activities.
Buon Ma Thuot may not be as well known as other places in Vietnam such as Hanoi, Saigon but it is worth seeing. Buon Ma Thuot does not have attractions on offer. What it does offer, however, is easy access to the attractions in its immediate area. This is the reason why Buon Ma Thuot is considered a good base for excursions and outdoor trips. In the immediate area of Buon Ma Thuot, beautiful waterfalls are one of the best attractions. Gia Long and Dray Nur are impressive but if you have to visit just one waterfall, it should be Dray Sap, which can be found in a stunning rainforest. Another must-visit attraction is the Yok Don National Park which is considered the largest nature reserve in Vietnam and here visitors can find rare animals and birds, as well as endangered species.
Finding a good dish to eat in Buon Ma Thuot is not a challenge because there are a lot of delicious and cheap foods in this area. We will recommend top 4 must- eat dishes in Buon Ma Thuot city: 1/ Bun do (Red noodle soup):
The cake (rieu cua) in bun do is made with field crab flesh, pork and tiny shrimps, all finely ground. Its broth is cooked with pig bones, cow bones and crabs. The typical red color comes from achiote seeds and crab roes added to the broth. Its toppings include quail eggs, pork blood pudding pieces, fried shallot slices, and fried pork rinds. Finally, the bun, or rice vermicelli is as thick as chopsticks, like tapioca noodles in banh canh. For bun do, accompanying vegetables include can nuoc (Japanese parsley) and bean sprouts, and they must be cooked, unlike other kinds of bun that can be eaten with either fresh or cooked vegetables. 2/ Banh uot thit nuong: BBQ version of Banh uot in Vietnam
3/ Lau ga tiem ot hiem (Potentially dangerous chili chicken hotpot): Hotpot with chicken and a kind of local chili
4/ Banh beo (Vietnamese Savory Steamed Rice Cake)
Source: Buon Ma Thuot coffee festival --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nhį»Æng ngĆ y nĆ y į» BuĆ“n Ma Thuį»t, mį»t thĆ nh phį» nhį» bƬnh yĆŖn cį»§a vĆ¹ng Äįŗ„t TĆ¢y NguyĆŖn ngįŗp nįŗÆng vĆ giĆ³ Äang dįŗ§n trį» nĆŖn sĆ“i Äį»ng vĆ nhį»n nhį»p hĘ”n bį»i mį»t lį» hį»i lį»n mang tįŗ§m vĆ³c quį»c gia, Lį» hį»i CĆ phĆŖ. Sį»± kiį»n nĆ y ÄĘ°į»£c tį» chį»©c Äį»u Äįŗ·n 2 nÄm 1 lįŗ§n kį» tį»« lįŗ§n Äįŗ§u nÄm 2005 nhįŗ±m mį»„c ÄĆch truyį»n bĆ” vÄn hĆ³a cĆ phĆŖ cį»§a Viį»t Nam nĆ³i chung vĆ tį»nh Daklak nĆ³i riĆŖng. Lį» hį»i cĆ phĆŖ BuĆ“n Ma Thuį»t lįŗ§n thį»© 7 ÄĘ°į»£c diį» n ra vĆ o ngĆ y 9-16/3/2019 tįŗ”i trung tĆ¢m thĆ nh phį». Sį»± kiį»n nĆ y sįŗ½ tį» chį»©c mį»t loįŗ”t cĆ”c hoįŗ”t Äį»ng liĆŖn quan Äįŗæn cĆ phĆŖ vĆ vÄn hĆ³a cĆ phĆŖ.
Lį» hį»i sįŗ½ bao gį»m lį» khai mįŗ”c, bįŗæ mįŗ”c, hį»i nghį» xĆŗc tiįŗæn Äįŗ§u tĘ° Daklak 2019. triį»n lĆ£m cĆ phĆŖ, hį»i thįŗ£o phĆ”t triį»n cĆ phĆŖ Äįŗ·c sįŗ£n Viį»t Nam, triį»n lĆ£m lį»ch sį» cĆ phĆŖ thįŗæ giį»i, lį» hį»i ÄĘ°į»ng phį», cuį»c thi nĆ“ng dĆ¢n, mį»t cuį»c thi chįŗ„t lĘ°į»£ng cĆ phĆŖ Äįŗ·c sįŗ£n Viį»t Nam, thĘ°į»ng thį»©c cĆ phĆŖ miį» n phĆ, lį» hį»i voi BuĆ“n ÄĆ“n vĆ mį»t cuį»c thi dĆ¹ lĘ°į»£n quį»c tįŗæ. NgoĆ i ra, du khĆ”ch tham gia lį» hį»i cĆ³ cĘ” hį»i thĘ°į»ng thį»©c mį»t sį» mĆ³n Än miį» n phĆ, Äi mua sįŗÆm į» chį»£ ÄĆŖm, Äi bį» dį»c theo phį» Äi bį» vĆ cĆ”c hoįŗ”t Äį»ng vÄn hĆ³a khĆ”c.
BuĆ“n Ma Thuį»t cĆ³ thį» khĆ“ng nį»i tiįŗæng bįŗ±ng nhį»Æng nĘ”i khĆ”c į» Viį»t Nam nhĘ° HĆ Nį»i, SĆ i GĆ²n nhĘ°ng nĆ³ rįŗ„t ÄĆ”ng Äį» bįŗ”n ghĆ© Äįŗæn. BuĆ“n Ma Thuį»t khĆ“ng cĆ³ nhį»Æng khu vui chĘ”i hįŗ„p dįŗ«n nhĘ°ng nĆ³ cĆ³ nhį»Æng Äiį»m Äįŗæn Äįŗ·c sįŗÆc ÄĘ°į»£c thiĆŖn nhiĆŖn ban tįŗ·ng. ÄĆ¢y lĆ lĆ½ do tįŗ”i sao BuĆ“n Ma Thuį»t ÄĘ°į»£c xem lĆ mį»t nĘ”i lĆ½ tĘ°į»ng cho cĆ”c chuyįŗæn du ngoįŗ”n ngoĆ i trį»i. CĆ”c thĆ”c nĘ°į»c ÄĘ°į»£c xem lĆ mį»t trong nhį»Æng Äiį»m Äįŗæn ÄĘ°į»£c yĆŖu thĆch nhįŗ„t khi Äįŗ·t chĆ¢n Äįŗæn nĘ”i ÄĆ¢y. ThĆ”c Gia Long vĆ thĆ”c Dray Nur rįŗ„t įŗ„n tĘ°į»£ng nhĘ°ng nįŗæu chį» ÄĘ°į»£c ghĆ© thÄm mį»t thĆ”c nĘ°į»c thƬ hĆ£y chį»n Dray Sap, bįŗ”n sįŗ½ ÄĘ°į»£c chiĆŖm ngĘ°į»”ng mį»t ngį»n thĆ”c hĆ¹ng vÄ© trong mį»t khu rį»«ng nhiį»t Äį»i tuyį»t Äįŗ¹p. Mį»t Äiį»m tham quan khĆ”c mĆ bįŗ”n khĆ“ng thį» bį» qua lĆ VĘ°į»n Quį»c gia Yok ÄĆ“n, nĘ”i ÄĘ°į»£c coi lĆ khu bįŗ£o tį»n thiĆŖn nhiĆŖn lį»n nhįŗ„t į» Viį»t Nam vĆ tįŗ”i ÄĆ¢y, du khĆ”ch cĆ³ thį» tƬm thįŗ„y cĆ”c loĆ i Äį»ng vįŗt vĆ chim quĆ½ hiįŗæm, cÅ©ng nhĘ° nhį»Æng loĆ i thĆŗ Äang cĆ³ nguy cĘ” tuyį»t chį»§ng.
Äį» tƬm thįŗ„y mį»t mĆ³n ngon Äį» thĘ°į»ng thį»©c į» BuĆ“n Ma Thuį»t thƬ khĆ“ng phįŗ£i lĆ mį»t Äiį»u khĆ³ bį»i vƬ cĆ³ rįŗ„t nhiį»u Äį» Än ngon vĆ rįŗ» į» nĘ”i nĆ y. ChĆŗng tĆ“i cĆ³ thį» Äį» xuįŗ„t cho bįŗ”n 4 mĆ³n nhįŗ„t Äį»nh phįŗ£i Än į» BuĆ“n Ma Thuį»t: 1/ BĆŗn Äį»: RiĆŖu cua trong bĆŗn ÄĘ°į»£c lĆ m tį»« thį»t cua Äį»ng, thį»t lį»£n vĆ tĆ“m ÄĘ°į»£c xay nhį». NĘ°į»c dĆ¹ng cį»§a nĆ³ ÄĘ°į»£c hįŗ§m tį»« xĘ°Ę”ng cį»§a lį»£n, bĆ² vĆ vį» cua. MĆ u Äį» Äįŗ·c trĘ°ng ÄĘ°į»£c tįŗ”o thĆ nh tį» hįŗ”t Äiį»u vĆ thį»t cua thĆŖm vĆ o. Mį»t tĆ“ bĆŗn bao gį»m loįŗ”i bĆŗn cĆ³ sį»£i to nhĘ° bĆ”nh canh nhĘ°ng mį»m hĘ”n, nĘ°į»c dĆ¹ng Än kĆØm vį»i trį»©ng cĆŗt, huyįŗæt lį»£n, hįŗ¹ vĆ mį»t Ćt top mį»” chiĆŖn giĆ²n. Rau Än kĆØm cį»§a bĆŗn Äį» gį»m cĆ³ cįŗ§n nĘ°į»c vĆ giĆ” ÄĘ°į»£c trį»„ng chĆn chį»© khĆ“ng nhĘ° nhį»Æng loįŗ”i rau khĆ”c cĆ³ thį» Än sį»ng hoįŗ·c chĆn Äį»u ÄĘ°į»£c. 2/ BĆ”nh Ę°į»t thį»t nĘ°į»ng: LĆ phiĆŖn bįŗ£n bĆ”nh Ę°į»t dĆ¹ng kĆØm vį»i thį»t nĘ°į»ng tįŗ”i Viį»t Nam 3/ Lįŗ©u gĆ tiĆŖm į»t hiį»m: LĆ loįŗ”i lįŗ©u vį»i nguyĆŖn liį»u tį»« thį»t gĆ vĆ mį»t loįŗ”i Ę”t Äįŗ·c biį»t cį»§a Äį»a phĘ°Ę”ng (į»t sim) 4/ BĆ”nh bĆØo chĆ©n: LĆ loįŗ”i bĆ”nh hįŗ„p tį»« gįŗ”o cį»§a Viį»t Nam #Buonmathuotcity #Daklak #Coffeefestival #bundo #banhcuonthitnuong#gatiemothiem #banhbeo #Pho, #Vietnam#delicious,#Noodle,#Vietnamesefood,#Beefsoup,#Photimepb,#foodporn,#photai,#eatyourpho,#foodie ******************* For more information: Pho Time š Address: 1820 Garnet Ave (b/w Kendall St & Lamont St.) San Diego, CA 92109 āContact number: (858) 273 1664 And Follow us on: šInstagram: @photimepb